With your helP
We Can Kiss INAD Goodbye!
Bisous For Léo raises funds to benefit the INADcure Foundation
The INADcure Foundation is the only U.S.-based nonprofit dedicated to the INAD community. It was formed to fund scientific research for treatments and a cure for INAD and other forms of PLA2G6-related neurodegeneration (PLAN).
While there are currently no known treatments or cures for INAD, we would like to change that, not only for Léo but for other children diagnosed with this devastating disease.
1. kiss (friendly kiss) Il m'a fait un bisou. He gave me a kiss.
2. (in the plural, in letters) lots of love
Meet Léo
Born in France to a Parisian father and an American mother, the energetic two-year-old was recently diagnosed with a rare, genetic, neurodegenerative disease called INAD, Infantile Neuroaxonal Dystrophy, or in simpler terms, "Parkinson's mixed with Alzheimer's, affecting kids.”
Meet Léo 💋